Herpes Zoster – a Treatment Concept with Ozone

Author Alexander Balkanyi
Publication 1Morgental–Strasse 31 CH – 8038 Zürich Switzerland
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Herpes Zoster – a Treatment Concept with Ozone


The trigger of the zoster or shingles condition is the varicella zoster virus.  It manifests itself as a local recurrence through a weakened immune condition, mainly arising during childhood.

Depending on the degree of immune weakness, it can spread from one to several segments (i.e., zoster generalisatus).

The duration of healing, severity of disease, and post-zoster neuralgia also depend on the immune condition prevailing.

Older patients often indicate an immune weakness.  This is why zoster illness with the complications mentioned above occur frequently in their case.

Zoster is normally treated with viralstatic agents as the preferred method.  In comparison to viralstatic agents, ozone therapy also shows good results. Yet it shows the comparative advantage of an immune system regulating or stimulating effect.  Furthermore, it can already be used at an early stage in case of slight diagnostic suspicion, since – in contrast to viralstatic agents – practically no side effects are anticipated. Normally ozone therapy is more economical than treatment with viralstatic agents.  Beginning treatment early improves the chances of avoiding the dreaded post-zoster neuralgia.        

Zoster patients in the pilot study were treated with ozone systematically as well as locally.  In case of strong neuralgia, the related ganglia were injected with local anesthesia and ozone at the same time.

Enzymes, zinc, and vitamins E, C, B1, B6, and B12 were administered as added measures.